Casa Camoth, Parra, Goa

Dr. Armando Nazareth and his wife Lydia, Tanga 1975

Chumbageni House, Tanga

Leo & Dolly Wedding, Tanga, September 1953

Tanga Hockey Team

With a polio patient

In surgery, Mulago Hospital

With David Kisumba, Mulago Hospital

Polio Clinic Good-bye party for Donald Gibson

Lea, Dolly, Leo, Mario, Louella and Joanna in Golden Valley, MN 1971

Jo and Larry Brown with Sheila Patel, Golden Valley MN, 1980

With Carlos and Jane Godinho, Vancouver 1989

Beryl and Jack Darling with Dolly, England 1993

With Lucille and Pietro Corti, Golden Valley MN, 1995